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Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh – YES

You can help by making telephone calls from your home.

 Make the calls after 6:00 pm, leave message on the answering machine.

Please vote YES, to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. His distinguished career on the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C. and his proven record of judicial restraint make him the ideal nominee for the Supreme Court.

If you have limited time to make calls, select from the bold type names.

You may put it in your own words.


Richard Durbin, D-IL                                                     202-224-9447

Charles Schummer, D-NY                                            202-224-6542

Kelly Ayotte R NH                                                        202-224-3324

Richard Blumenthal D-CT                                             202-224-2823

Susan Collins R- ME                                                   202-224-2523

Bob Corker R-TN                                                          202-224-3344

Jeff Flake R-AZ                                                             202-224-4521

Kirsten Gillibrand D-NY                                              202-224-4451

Dianne Feinstein D-CA                                                 202-224-3841

Kamala Harris D-LA                                                    201-224-3553

Heidi Heitkamp D-NY                                                  202-224-2043

Mazie Hirono D HI                                                       202-22246361

Amy Klobuchar D,MN                                                 202-114-3244

Joe Manchin D-WV                                                      202-224-3954

Claire McCaskill D-MO                                                202-224-4654

Barbara Mikulski D-MD                                               202-224-6665

Jeanne Sasheen DNH                                                  202-224-2841

Debbie Stabenow  D-MI                                               202-224-4822

Mark Warner D-VA                                                      202-224-2023

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