Cocktails & Candidates Reception 10/8/2018
Click Here to RSVP via Email RSVP by Phone: Debbie Mathis (912) 704-1036 OR Neil Jurgensen (407) 484-9333 Share Tweet Forward Copyright © 2018 SIRC, All rights reserved.
Click Here to RSVP via Email RSVP by Phone: Debbie Mathis (912) 704-1036 OR Neil Jurgensen (407) 484-9333 Share Tweet Forward Copyright © 2018 SIRC, All rights reserved.
REMINDER: League of Women Voters meeting is tonight, Thursday, 9/13/2018 7:00 pm JEA Bldg., Abercorn and DeRenne. You need to arrive EARLY to get a seat. We have 20 reservations. Since parking at JEA is a little limited, if you want to car pool…
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh – YES You can help by making telephone calls from your home. Make the calls after 6:00 pm, leave message on the answering machine. Please vote YES, to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme…
2-Day Defensive Handgun Course - Retail Value $495 This 2-day course of instruction in the use of handguns for self-defense includes a live fire exercise. All items included in the cost of the class (course materials, range fees, targets, and…
Savannah Area Republican Women President Marolyn Overton, and the Chair of Ladies, Guns, and Ammo 2nd Annual Lunch and Learn; Susan Speros present a $5,000.00 check to Brain Kemp’s campaign for Governor.
August 2018 Facebook Page Paper Ballots by November? The Secretary of State’s office began the search for an upgrade to Georgia’s outdated voting machines. Now U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg has ordered Kemp’s office to look into the “concrete realities” of moving to…
SARW does not endorse any candidate in a contested primary election. This invitation is provided as a service for your information.